For reinforced soil slopes of up to 50 degrees, we can supply and install what we call a 'wraparound' structure. This is an extremely cost effective solution that requires no facing, instead using the geogrid as a topsoil retention method. This system lends itself very well to the re-use of site won material.

Common uses
Where levels are being raised on site to maximise development footprint
Highways widening schemes
Where a natural green faced finish is required
Visual and acoustic bunds can be formed with steeper side so take up less space
Layers of geogrid are placed to the required design length, with the fill material compacted around it. The layer of geogrid is then wrapped around on top and material then placed and compacted on top of this. Topsoil can be placed on the inside front face to facilitate the growth of a natural green face finish.
Up to 120 year design life
Quick and easy to install
Cost effective compared to traditional methods
Possibility to re-use site won material as the fill material
Lower imposed loads than traditional methods, so better for marginal soil conditions