Andacrib is a modular pre-cast concrete crib retaining wall system, which has been designed to cater for the most onerous loading conditions demanded of structures in highway, rail, industrial and commercial sectors.

Common uses
The Andacrib concrete system is a cost effective and aesthetically pleasing ‘soft’ faced alternative to traditional retaining walls. Pre cast concrete header and stretcher components are machine paced to create a cage which is then filled with stone. (75mm down) Planting bags may be installed within the Andacrib to allow feature landscaping of the Andacrib face.
Our Andacrib concrete system which is designed to both BS EN1997-1:2004 and BS EN1992-1-1:2004-Eurocode 2, is manufactured from 50 N/mm2 concrete and has a design life of 120 year.

Watch the video of Phi Group installing Andracrib retaining walls at Saxon View, Nuneaton