Phi Group's Textomur system is a tried and tested and cost effective reinforced soil solution. Typically installed at 60-70 degrees, it is ideal on sites where levels are being raised. Especially if the re-use of site won material is being considered. For slopes up to 65 degrees a green face finish can be achieve. For slopes over this angle we recommend the use of our stone filled Textomur facing option as an alternative.

Common uses
The Textomur System involves the placement of prefabricated sacrificial steel mesh formwork to the face of the reinforced soil slope, a geotextile is placed to the inside face of the steel cage to enable a layer of topsoil growing medium. The geogrid soil reinforcement is then incorporated from the steel cage and extends back into the reinforced soil fill material.
The choice of fill material can vary but to achieve the most cost effective soil reinforcement design a well graded granular fill material should be used, this material placed and compacted in layers to form the reinforced soil mass. On completion the front face of the Textomur System can then be seeded either by hand or hydraulically. Although this imported granular material is easier to place and compact, it is preferable from an economic and environmental perspective, to re-use any site won material to raise levels instead of mucking it away and importing a better quality material.
Quite often this site won material may need improvement by such techniques as the introduction of lime, to make it useable. Also it tends to increase the length of the geogrid reinforcement required. Phi Group can assist you with which tests may be required to confirm the suitability of you material on site, and also working with their partners provide this soil improvement service too.
For slopes up to 65 degrees a green face finish can be achieve. For slopes over this angle we recommend the use of our stone filled Textomur facing option as an alternative.
Textomur vegetated slope