Phi Group's Dunfermline completed their first contract for ISG in 2016. At a Places For People development in the middle of Edinburgh, we designed, supplied and installed a Titan modular block faced reinforced soil structure. The Titan wall is 200m long with a maximum retained height of 5.0m. Reinforced soil is typically used where you are raising levels on site. In this instance levels were being raised to provide the maximum amount of space for development.

The project
Places For People contacted ISG Plc to construct ne residential building adjacent to a live railway in Edinburgh. ISG contacted Phi Group at an early stage to develop a solution to raise levels on site to maximise the available space for the new development. The Titan modular block faced reinforced soil system is a tough durable system, which is installed vertically, thus maximising space gained.
The challenge
The foundation soils were not sufficient to take the loading from the new material to placed above, so a network of steel piles were installed at the lower level with a Load Transfer platform installed on top. This then gave us a suitable layer from which to commence construction of the reinforced soil structure. We worked adjacent to a live railway track, so everything we did was subject to Network Rail approval. We were very proud that ISG awarded us a Health & Safety award for our pro-active approach to safe working on site.
The solution
As the site was restricted, the delivery of materials on site was an issue. To make this process easier for ISG, they put the supply of all construction materials relating to our works into our package, which meant that we were responsible for co-ordinating deliveries on to site. Sometimes this took place on Saturdays, to avoid the busiest times during the week. This made our contract value £400,000, and we had up to 10 Operatives on site to ensure that the Titan reinforced soil structure was completed on time and on budget.
We listened to what ISG required, and tailored our approach to ensure we provided the complete package.